Deluxe Kit with Wooden Frames

Deluxe Kit with Wooden Frames
Our Deluxe beginner beekeeping kit has everything a new beekeeper would need. Perfect for someone just getting into the hobby or as the ultimate gift!
Kit includes:
2 deep unassembled supers
1 inner cover
1 hive cover
1 screened bottom board
4 metal frame rests
1 entrance reducer
1 frame feeder
20 deep wood frames (unassembled)
20 deep plastic waxed foundation
Nails for assembling supers & frames
1 J hook hive tool
1 bee brush
1 regular smoker with shield
*Photo doesn't show actual products in kit.
WEIGHT: 25.0 kg DIMENSIONS: 61 x 61 x 31 cm SKU: Kit06