Ultimate Kit with Wooden Frames

Ultimate Kit with Wooden Frames
Our Ultimate Beekeeping kit has everything a new beekeeper would need. Perfect for someone just getting into the hobby or as the ultimate gift! It includes all the little things that we want with us when we go into our hives.
Kit includes:
2 deep unassembled supers
1 inner cover
1 hive cover
1 screened bottom board
4 metal frame rests
1 entrance reducer
1 frame feeder
20 deep wood frames (unassembled)
20 deep plastic waxed foundation
Nails for assembling supers & frames
1 J hook hive tool
1 bee brush
1 regular smoker with shield
Frame Perch
Drone Comb
Cowboy Veil
Double Mite Counter Jar
WEIGHT: 25.0 kg DIMENSIONS: 61 x 61 x 31 cm SKU: Kit08