Apimil Liquid Smoker 250 ml

Apimil Liquid Smoker 250 ml
Apimil® is formulated with natural ingredients. It contains a combination of fragrances that can mask the pheromones of honey bees. Apimil® is a natural alternative to a traditional smoker.
In addition, it may be used to significantly improve the success rate of introducing honey bee queens, prevent robbing and improve the success rate of combining colonies.
Dilution - Mix
The product is intended to be sprayed by means of a manual sprayer. Apimil® is a concentrate which should be diluted with water before use as follows: 100 ml of the product should be diluted to 1 litre with water.

Apiary Results
The result of the test indicates a significant reduction of stinging tendencies after using Apimil®.

Queen Bee Introduction
The result of the test showed 100% of the effectiveness of introducing honey bee queens after using Apimil®.
WEIGHT: 0.35 kg SKU: SMK06