BC Queens, from Wild Antho (June-August)

BC Queens, from Wild Antho (June-August)
Minimum Qty | Discount |
Buy 10 + | Each $58.00 |
Buy 40 + | Each $55.00 |
"Wild Antho breeds a true B.C. stock developed over the past 40 years. We started with Kettle Valley Queen stock and still get breeding stock from Liz Huxter. Our queens tend to produce primarily dark bees. The breeder queen must be a minimum of two years old (two winters), have average to above average honey production every year, a solid brood pattern year-round, good pollen stores, must be in the top 10% for colony size in spring and fall or expand very rapidly in the spring, low varroa numbers (not always though….), hygienic behaviour traits, never any type of disease, low honey use over the winter, and not overly aggressive (we do take a few stings)."
Reservations Include $5 Non-Refundable Deposit per Queen *
* This means that if you have to cancel your order, you will be refunded fully minus $5. This amount is considered your commitment fee.