Urban Bee Winter Hours, & Thank You!
(Photo Credit: NOD Apiary Producers, producer of our Bee Cozies)
From October 17th 2022 - January 15th 2023 our Hours of Operation are as follows:
Wednesday-Saturday: 930 am - 5 pm
CLOSED Monday, Tuesday & Sunday
Another beekeeping season comes nearly to the "end", insofar as there is such a thing with beekeeping. At the very least it is fair to say that beekeepers will be closing up their hives for the Winter very soon, except perhaps for the occasional sugar feed or the famous wintertime oxalic treatment.
Thank you to all of our customers for a great year where we were finally able to see so many of you in person again after a long time and to welcome customers into our new beautiful retail space at 5300 34b Avenue. We also launched our dedicated Educational Apiary and hosted our first workshops there with great success, and are excited to host many more next year starting in Spring 2023.
In the meantime, we hope everyone has a great late Fall and Winter season and wish all the best to you and your winter bees!
If you have any needs of supplies overwinter we will still be here ready to help, whether it be bee cozies, fondant / sugar bricks, oxalic acid / vapourizers, or any other equipment you may want to get ahead of time for 2023. If you are looking for packages, nucs or queens for 2023 I would recommend subscribing to our newsletter, and/or contacting us to be added to a notification list. As soon as we have details on what options will be available, approximate timelines and approximate pricing we will begin posting these options and taking reservations.